Everyone In Fund - Spring Harvest 2025

Our generous guests and supporters want to help those in financial hardship to come to Spring Harvest.

If you have booked to join us in Skegness or Minehead and receive certain state benefits, you can apply for help towards the cost of your booking. We know the government benefit system is not always the fairest way of assessing need, but we have not been able to find a better one.

This fund is designed to support who are experiencing financial hardship. If you are facing tough times, such as needing to rely on food banks or other support services, you may qualify for financial assistance through this fund. Our goal is to ensure that everyone can join us, regardless of their financial situation. 

If you are a church leader or group organiser and would like a family to join you at Spring Harvest but they are in severe financial hardship, and the help we can offer here is not sufficient to get them to the event, we may be able to help you through our reference application scheme.

How to get help for a resort booking

Step 1
Make your resort booking. This may be an individual booking, a family booking or part of a group. You are welcome to contact us before booking if you want advice on the help we can offer you.

Step 3
Applications are considered regularly. If you are successful we will tell you how much we will pay towards your booking. We will also tell the person who made your booking (if not you).

Step 2
Apply for a payment as soon as you can after booking. (It is fine to complete the form for someone else, as long as they are happy for you to give us their details). Your application can include children or other adults who live with you.

Step 4
We pay the agreed amount directly to Butlin's. The cost of your booking will not change but we will have paid towards it so you will not have to pay so much.
You should note when your balance is due and take steps to cover it through the year, for example Butlin's staged payment system.

How to get help for a day visitor ticket

If you want to come as a day visitor, and you receive a benefit, please apply for your discount before buying your ticket. If successful we will send you a discount code you can use when you book. The discount will typically be for 20% of the usual cost of the ticket. Day visitor tickets will be available from January.

Who can apply?

If you receive one of these benefits you can apply for a payment towards your Spring Harvest booking for yourself and anyone who lives with you and relies on your income:

List 1

  • Income Support
  • Working Tax Credit (unless you only receive an extra element)
  • Employment & Support Allowance
  • Carer's Allowance
  • Severe Disablement Allowance
  • Incapacity benefit
  • Pension Credit

We would usually consider a payment up to £90 per person in this case.

List 2

  • Child Tax Credit
  • Working Tax Credit if you only have the child care or disability element.
  • Job Seekers Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Personal Independence Payment
  • Attendance Allowance

We would usually consider a payment up to £40 per person in this case.

Universal Credit

If you receive Universal Credit we will decide on the payment we can make when we have seen your benefit notification.

We do not usually offer a payment if your Universal Credit payment only or mainly includes Housing Benefit.

The two lists will give you a suggestion of the help we might be able to offer.

Need to know

You can apply for a payment for yourself, your children and any adult who depends on you for finances. If your spouse or another adult in your family also receive a benefit they can apply too. 

If you are not coming
If are not coming but your child is and you receive a benefit you can apply for a payment for them.

Your benefit
We will only make one payment per person, even if you receive more than one benefit.

If you are given a benefit on behalf of a child we will offer a payment for the child and one adult only.

Your booking
Payments are usually only made for Silver or Standard accommodation but we know that sometimes you will have to book other types of accommodation, in which case we will ask you for more details.

For best results
Complete the form on a phone with a camera or a tablet so you can photograph your proof of benefit.

We hope you can join us but if you have to cancel your booking please let us know. Payments will only be made for people who attend Spring Harvest. If you have to cancel after we have agreed a payment for you we will reclaim the payment and allocate it to someone else. If you cancel after your final payment is due you may be responsible for the full cost of your booking.

You should not assume your application will be successful.

We cannot help anyone who has to cancel their booking because their application for assistance has been turned down and they are unable to pay their balance.

We can offer this help because of the generous giving of friends and supporters.

The money we can give away is limited and we are sorry but once it has gone we will not be able to take any more applications, so please apply as soon as you can.

Essential Christian. Registered Charity number 1126997.

A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, number 06667924. Registered Office: 14 Horsted Square, Uckfield, TN22 1QG