We strongly recommend booking in advance. To ensure the safety and comfort of all guests, day visitor ticket numbers are limited. If your choice of ticket is sold out you will be offered a place on the wait list. If there are tickets available you can buy them at the gate but they may cost more than if you buy them in advance. In Skegness gate ticket purchases must be by card, not cash. It may not be possible to book your children into their programme if you do not register them in advance.
We do not offer staged payments for day tickets - you must pay in full when you book.
We ask the name of each person requiring a full event ticket and we will also ask the ages of everyone under age 18, to help our planning.
We will email you to confirm your tickets. Please show this email when you first arrive and collect your Spring Harvest wristbands. Everyone you book for must arrive at the same time.
The full programme will be available on line shortly before the event starts. We will send event details to bookers.
Full Terms & Conditions . . .
Day visitor resort parking Skegness is free. (There is an optional donation for Great Ormond Street Hospital).
Minehead resort does not have a day visitor car park. The nearest Pay and Display car park is Warren Road. A local bus stops outside the resort.