I declare that I am the person with parental responsibility for the child named in this form. I understand the information on this form will be used by Spring Harvest Team to help fulfil their roles in looking after this child whilst in their care.
I understand that if this child is aged 8 or over, they will be allowed to leave the programme unaccompanied only if I give permission for them to do so. Otherwise, if the child is aged 7 or under, or I have not given permission for them to leave unaccompanied, I give Spring Harvest team permission to hand over this child at the event to the holder of the Child Collection Ticket, or to the person named in this form as having parental responsibility (on production of proof of identity). If there is any doubt whatsoever, even on the production of the Child Collection Ticket, as to the authority of any person attending to collect this child, then Spring Harvest are authorised to keep this child in their care until they can establish that person’s identity.
I give permission for this child to be taken on short outings on resort. I understand this may include Butlins' rides or other play area facilities (under proper supervision).
I am aware that video clips may be used during the programme up to and including a PG certificate.
If this child/young person has an allergic reaction and needs immediate treatment during the programme, I give permission for this to be carried out by trained team members.
In the unlikely event of an accident I give my permission for any necessary medical treatment to be given by the nominated first aider. In a medical emergency I understand the emergency services will be called if necessary and they will decide how best to help this child. I understand that Spring Harvest will always try to contact me in the first instance.